Thursday, March 27, 2008

A Great Day

Monday was a very special day for us. None of this may sound very impressive, but...

We spent Monday morning out walking with our neighbours!

We have been trying to get to know our neighbours over the last couple of months, but it has been pretty slow going. Over the Easter weekend we invited some kids from the surrounding houses around for a game of cricket in the front yard.

On Sunday night one of the mums, Colleen, came around and asked if we would like to go for a walk at the dam with her and her son the next morning. We all piled into our car (including Pat the dog) and drove out to the dam. We had a fantastic morning together.

We have been enjoying lots of good times with other Christian people since we've arrived in Namibia, but this is the first time that we've been able to begin a relationship with one of our non-Christian neighbours. It would be very easy for us to spend all of our time with Christians and never share the love of Jesus with anyone who didn't already know him. Please pray with us, that we will love our neighbours and have lots of opportunities to build relationships and lead them to Jesus.